Tips to Fix the Issue of Google Chrome Keep Crashing


By Jack Lin

Update on

Google Chrome Keep Crashing
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Google Chrome is probably the most used browser in the world, and Google frequently provides updates to improve its performance and provide the solution for bug fixes.

Often we hear lots of people complain about the ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing‘ on their Android smartphone/tablet devices.

And there is a good chance that somewhere down the line you’ll also come across the same problem.

So let’s discuss how we can fix this problem.

Why Does Google Chrome Keep Closing on Your Device? What Could Be the Basic Root Cause of It?

Before we go into depth detail about possible solutions, let’s first see why Google Chrome keeps closing on our Android devices. There could be several reasons for it, let’s discuss them one by one.

1. An Increasing Number of Cache files

It’s always recommended to keep clearing the cache files of browsers on a regular basis. Otherwise, you’ll end up having a big number of cache files. These Cache files, when exceeded from a certain level, will cause trouble. This could be one of the reasons why ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing.’

2. Latest Updates Are Causing Troubles.

The newly installed updates could also be the reason why your Google Chrome keeps closing.
So need to check this as well.

3. Problematic Operating System

The newly installed operating system could be the reason why your Google Chrome keeps closing. Maybe you have downloaded the beta version of a new OS, so it better is only to install the full version of OS.

Possible Ways to Solve the Problem of Chrome Crashing

So far, we have covered almost all the possible reasons as to why ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing.’ Based on feedback from different people, the following are the best practices to solve this problem.

Reboot Your Android Smartphone / Tablet

The most basic and easiest check you can do to rectify this problem is to reboot your device. Most often than not, when you restart your device, you no longer have the problem of Google Chrome keep crashing.

Basically, all the temporary files stored in your device memory are removed by restarting the device, and this gives a fresh start to every application/tool installed and device.

Reboot Device

Restarting the Android smartphone/tablet device isn’t that difficult. Just press and hold the power button for a few moments, and a pop-up message will appear on your screen. Select the option of “Restart your device“. your device will be restarted and then launch the Google Chrome application and see if you are still having the problem of Google Chrome keeps closing or not.

Empty the Google Chrome Cache and All Unnecessary Files

Google Chrome, like most of the other applications installed on your device, does store data and cache files. It’s recommended to empty these cache files on a regular basis. If not done, you’ll end up having a large number of temporary files in your cache memory, and you longer have enough space for new files. That most probably will affect the proper functionality of your device.

So how shall we remove the cache memory?

  • Go to the settings, then select applications & notifications.
  • Inside there Click on Google Chrome and select “Clear Storage” / “Clear Cache“.
Clear files on Chrome

This will remove all the unnecessary data and cache memory files on your smartphone/tablet device. Then relaunch the Google Chrome application and check if the problem of ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing’ is still there or not.

Remove All Recently Installed Updates and Reinstall Google Chrome Application.

Like every live operating system, you tend to get lots of frequent updates on your device for the Android operating system. These updates are meant to fix the ongoing bugs and several other issues causing troubles in your device, but sometimes these updates aren’t mature enough like in the case of a new version of the operating system or beta version of the operating system.

Such updates can be the cause of trouble. To overcome this, you need to remove these updates, so how can we remove such updates?

  • Go to the setting of your Android smartphone/tablet device. Select Applications & notifications.
  • Inside applications & notifications, select the option available on the top right corner saying “Uninstall updates“.
uninstall Chrome updates
  • It will uninstall all the updates.
  • Once the updates are uninstalled. Go to Play Store and enter Google Chrome in the Search bar
  • Download and install the application.
Reinstall Chrome

By doing so, all unnecessary updates will be removed from your Android device. Now launch the Google Chrome application and see if you are still facing the problem of ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing.’

Also, let’s figure out how to uninstall Chrome on Mac effortlessly.

Restart Your Android Smartphone/Tablet Device in Safe Mode

Sometimes unexpectedly, it is the third application, like any video game, music app, etc. that is the main culprit and can affect your operating system quite badly. Amongst many probable problems, there is a good chance that Google Chrome keeps closing on your device and may not function properly.

So how to fix this?

  • Hold and push the power button for a few seconds.
  • A pop-up message will appear on your screen; press and hold down the restart option.
  • Your smartphone/tablet will be restarted in safe mode.
Reboot to Safe Mode

Now launch the Google Chrome application and see if the problem of ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing’ is still there or not.

Restore the Default Cache Files on Your Android Device

As already explained above, it is always recommended to keep on cleaning the cache memory of your smartphone/tablet device.

If we don’t clean them up on a regular basis, you may see ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing’ on your Android device. So how to get rid of this?

  • Press and hold the power & volume up buttons simultaneously for a few seconds.
  • Your smartphone/tablet device will be restarted and go into recovery mode.
  • When you are in recovery mode, select the option for cleaning out cache memory files.
  • This will restore the default cache files on your Android device.
Clear the Cache Partition of Your Device in Recovery Mode

Now Launch the Google Chrome app and check if Google Chrome keeps closing unexpectedly or not.

Repair the Google Crashing Problem with a Quick Guide

As happens most of the time, a non-genuine version of the Android operating system can cause many issues on your Android device. You may even see Google Chrome keeps closing unexpectedly on your device.

This will continue to happen until and unless you repair your operating system with the help of some specific tool designed to do such kinds of jobs.

Tenorshare ReiBoot for Android

Tenorshare Reiboot for Android is one of the best tools available in the market for this kind of activity.

It can remove all the problems you may come across while using an Android smartphone/tablet device and will make your device absolutely trouble-free.

So what are the good things about this tool?

  • Even a layman can use this tool to repair his/her Android device
  • The highest percentage of successful repairs will full technical backup available
  • Step-by-step guidelines available for its use
  • Compatible with almost all Android devices available in the market.

Factory Reset Your Android Device

So far, we have discussed all possible reasons why ‘Google Chrome Keeps Crashing’ on your device and their available solutions.

Although there is very little chance that none is working for you, for instance, you may face this problem.

In that case, the only way out is to factory reset your phone. How to do this?

  • Go to Settings.
  • Select System inside Settings.
  • Go into Reset options inside Settings.
  • Select the option labeled “Erase all data (factory reset).”
Factory Reset on Android

It will factory reset your phone. Now launch the Google Chrome application and see if Google Chrome keeps closing on your phone. Chances are almost zero now for this problem.

Additional Tips to Prevent Chrome Crashes

In addition to the troubleshooting steps, here are some tips to prevent Chrome crashes in the future:

  • Keep your operating system updated to ensure compatibility with Chrome.
  • Remove unnecessary or unused browser extensions.
  • Avoid opening too many tabs simultaneously, as it can strain system resources.
  • Close unused tabs or use a tab management extension to reduce memory usage.
  • Restart your computer regularly to refresh system resources.


  1. Why does Google Chrome keep crashing? Google Chrome may crash due to various reasons, including outdated versions, conflicting extensions, corrupted user profiles, and insufficient system resources.
  2. How can I update Google Chrome to the latest version? To update Google Chrome, click on the Chrome menu, select “Help,” and choose “About Google Chrome.” If an update is available, Chrome will download and install it automatically.
  3. Can browser extensions cause Chrome crashes? Yes, incompatible or conflicting browser extensions can cause Chrome to crash. It’s recommended to disable or remove problematic extensions.
  4. What should I do if clearing cache and cookies doesn’t fix the issue? If clearing cache and cookies doesn’t resolve the problem, you can try resetting Chrome settings to their default values or running a malware scan on your computer.
  5. How can I prevent Chrome crashes in the future? To prevent Chrome crashes, keep your browser and operating system updated, manage your extensions, avoid opening too many tabs, and monitor system resource usage.

Final Words

In the end, we can conclude by saying that amongst all available internet browsers, Google Chrome is the most stable and most widely used browser in the world.

But like every application, it may also face some problems, like Google Chrome keeps closing unexpectedly on your phone.

That can be really annoying for any user. That’s why it’s necessary to resolve this problem, as we have mentioned above, systematically.


10 years of experience in information and computer technology. Passionate about electronic devices, smartphones, computers, and modern technology.