Explained: What is com.android.server.telecom on Android Devices?


By Jack Lin

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Have you come across the term com.android.server.telecom and wondered what it means? Well, this article explains what it is and more details. So, keep reading!

It goes without saying that Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. This specific operating system comes with plenty of features and flexibility apart from its user-friendliness.

With that said, there is no shortage of pretty complicated technical terms related to Android. Basically, Android is a massive package. There is no shortage of tools & apps to run the respective devices smoothly.

With that said, let’s take a look at those terms to learn more about our favorite mobile operating system.

What Is Android Server Telecom?

There are many individuals who wonder what com.android.server.telecom is. If you are one of them, it is a specific package unique to the Android platform. The purpose of this package is to manage the calling process on the respective Android device.

In fact, it can handle all the VoIP calls in addition to SIM calls. They can make the calling process exceptionally convenient and smooth. Telecom is all about handling switchboards, managing calls, and establishing sound concentrations.

That builds a link between ConnectionService along with InCallService usage. As a result, we can see the respective interface to the calls we get on the phone.

PS: here are the top best Android phone call tracker you should check out.

Main Functions of com.android.server.telecom Package

Now you know what is com.android.server.telecom, let’s learn its functions.

● Call

The specific function is there to handle all incoming and outgoing calls on the respective Android device. Assume that a phone call is intercepted and delivered to that phone. In that case, the primary function is to display the contents of the ongoing call.

● Call.details

The function called call details is the next one on the list. The primary purpose of call.details is to show the information about the one who calls. Also, it shows the number of the user (caller). It displays information about the contact (caller) that has been acquired from the device’s database.

● Call.Rttcall

Call.Rttcall is a function that stores all RTT details in a single place. Basically, it is the in-charge of handling all of the data that relate to the call.

● callAudioState

This is the function that stores all of the information about the call’s audio. For instance, whether or not the respective call is in muted state. Also, it determines whether or not the voice is transferred properly on the device. On top of that, it takes care of all of the details pertaining to the call recording function.

● CallRedirectionService

Well, this becomes specifically handy to store all of the Redirection info associated with a particular call. This class works in conjunction with RTT. The most fundamental purpose is to retain the data related to a diverted call.

● CallScreeningService

This class is responsible for storing information about incoming calls. Prior to the call being made visible, it will be identified by this specific function. This function comes into play if contact is blacklisted, and the device gets a call from that number. The function will reject such calls.

● Conference

You can easily guess that this function directly relates to “call conference”. This specific function keeps track of how many callers are connected to the call. In addition to that, this function handles the contact information for individuals who are connected to the call. It will distribute that information to other functions performed. For instance, audio and RTT.

● Conferenceable

This is the function that tracks the information related to the users on the call. Then, This is the function that tracks the information related to the existing callers at a given time. Then, it will decide if it is possible to add them to a conference call or not.

● Connection

This is the class used to hold the connection status of the respective caller. The data like RTT status and the type of call are stored in this class.

● Connection.VideoProvider

Here’s the function that is used to check the status of a current video call.  

● DisconnectCause

DisconnectCause is another class that determines how a call is disconnected. In other words, it basically manages the “disconnect” function. The unique sound you will hear once a call is disconnected is performed by this function.

● InCallService

This is a function that is responsible to manage phone calls, such as establishing a call and disconnecting. Well, this is the only class that has a direct relationship to other functions.

● PhoneAccount

This specific class holds the information related to the account that is used to call a This specific class handles instructions pertaining to the account that is used to call a specific contact. In general, it is the SIM.

However, it handles the functions of VoIP as well. Also, it can be even a totally different third-party profile. Anyhow, it is a specific function to make sure that the correct address is saved in the database.

● StatusHints

With this function, you can expect to display symbols that are associated with a given call. In addition to that, it maintains the requirement for those symbols. This specific symbol is required when it is displayed. The function collaborates with all of the other features. That is required to ensure that everything runs without any trouble.

● VideoProfile

This specific function keeps a record of all of the calls made using the video facility. The video’s calling profile can be seen below. On top of that, it records the account that was used to call through videos. Apart from that, it records the numbers that were made available for video calls.

● VideoProfile.CameraCapabilities

In order to make video calls, this function saves the information about the camera that was used. It examines the quality of the camera and determines whether or not the camera is in proper working order.

Hopefully, the above paragraphs explained what com.android.server.telecom is.

Also, Com.samsung.android.incallui is an integral system app that comes pre-installed on all Samsung Android smartphones. Let’s learn everything about it here.

How com.android.server.telecom Works

Com.android.server.telecom acts as the central hub for telephony operations on an Android device. It interacts with other system services, such as the Telephony Registry Service (TRS) and the Phone Account Service (PAS), to manage telephony resources and handle call-related events. The Telecom framework utilizes APIs provided by these services to establish and maintain communication channels between the device and the cellular network.

When a call is initiated, com.android.server.telecom coordinates with the phone app, determines the appropriate network to use (e.g., mobile network or Voice over IP), and establishes the call. It handles call handovers between different networks, manages call routing, and facilitates seamless transitions between audio and video calls.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting with com.android.server.telecom

Despite its essential role, com.android.server.telecom can encounter issues that may impact the telephony experience on Android devices. Some common problems include call drops, audio quality issues, and failure to connect to cellular networks. To troubleshoot such issues, you can try the following:

  1. Restart your device: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary glitches and restore normal functionality.
  2. Clear app cache and data: Clearing the cache and data of the phone app and com.android.server.telecom can help resolve issues caused by corrupted or conflicting data.
  3. Update system and apps: Keeping your device’s operating system and apps up to date ensures compatibility and can address any known bugs or issues.
  4. Reset network settings: Resetting network settings can help resolve network-related problems by clearing any misconfigurations or incorrect settings.
  5. Contact customer support: If the issues persist, reaching out to the device manufacturer or your service provider’s customer support can provide further assistance.

Best Practices for Optimizing com.android.server.telecom

To ensure optimal performance of com.android.server.telecom and enhance your overall telephony experience, consider the following best practices:

  1. Keep your device updated: Regularly update your device’s software to access the latest bug fixes, security patches, and performance improvements.
  2. Manage app permissions: Review and manage app permissions to control which apps can access telephony features, ensuring privacy and security.
  3. Clear unnecessary apps: Remove or disable unused apps to free up system resources and reduce potential conflicts with com.android.server.telecom.
  4. Use reputable apps: Install apps from trusted sources to minimize the risk of compatibility issues or malicious behavior that may impact telephony functionality.
  5. Enable Wi-Fi calling: Utilize Wi-Fi calling when available to leverage a stable internet connection for high-quality voice and video calls, especially in areas with poor cellular coverage.

The Future of com.android.server.telecom

As technology advances and communication requirements evolve, com.android.server.telecom is expected to adapt and enhance its capabilities. The future of this system service may include improved integration with emerging communication technologies, enhanced security features, and seamless interoperability with other smart devices.


  1. Q: Can I disable or uninstall com.android.server.telecom on my Android device? A: No, com.android.server.telecom is a system service essential for telephony functionalities, and it cannot be disabled or uninstalled without rooting your device.
  2. Q: Is com.android.server.telecom the same as the phone app on my Android device? A: No, com.android.server.telecom is a system service that provides telephony-related functionalities to various apps, including the phone app.
  3. Q: Why does com.android.server.telecom require various permissions on my device? A: Com.android.server.telecom requires specific permissions to access telephony resources and ensure seamless communication between apps and the underlying system components.
  4. Q: Can I use com.android.server.telecom for making international calls? A: Yes, com.android.server.telecom facilitates both domestic and international calling, provided your device has the necessary network capabilities and appropriate service plans.
  5. Q: Will optimizing com.android.server.telecom improve battery life on my Android device? A: While optimizing com.android.server.telecom may have a minor impact on battery life, the primary focus should be on overall device optimization and efficient usage of battery-intensive apps.


Com.android.server.telecom serves as the backbone of telephony functionalities on Android devices, enabling smooth communication experiences. With its call management features, supplementary services, and support for video calling, it plays a crucial role in connecting people around the world. By understanding its significance, troubleshooting common issues, and optimizing its usage, users can leverage com.android.server.telecom to its full potential.


10 years of experience in information and computer technology. Passionate about electronic devices, smartphones, computers, and modern technology.