Filed Under: Discord

How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Discord?


Written by Jack Lin

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How To Tell If Someone Blocked You On Discord

While you surf Discord, you may come across the question, “how to tell if someone blocked you on Discord.”

This may especially happen when you may not notice a few of your friends. These users might even be the ones that you have contacted previously.

If your internet is working fine, then this might mean that they have blocked you. Getting blocked by them will disconnect both of you completely. After this, there can be no interaction between you two.

It is very easy to know if somebody on Discord has blocked you. And, if you can’t guess this, then try using these methods to find out for sure.

However, you cannot do anything about being blocked. It is their personal choice to cut contact with you.

Read the full article to learn how to know if someone blocked you on Discord.

How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Discord?

If someone blocks you, then you will not be able to communicate with them. The first sign is that you cannot send a message to them in Discord.

There may be cases when you find that you can still message them. This would mean the other person hasn’t blocked you.

It is simple for anyone to learn how to know if someone blocked you on Discord. Firstly, when you open your display, you will see Clyde. The Clyde is the popular official bot of Discord.

Any attempt you make to message that user, Clyde, will display an error. You will find the error “Your message couldn’t be sent” on your screen.

The message usually shows up for the below-mentioned reasons:

  • You two don’t have a common server.
  • The direct text options have been restricted by you for the common servers.

The other person doesn’t allow texts from strangers.

To put you at ease, Clyde will provide you with a referral link. Clyde, by itself, is not programmed to inform you about the precise reason, if there’s any. However, you can check out the web link to get extra information.

Yet it is pretty easy to guess that you are blocked if you have been interacting with this person recently.

If the person were your friend, then a simple way to find out is to go through your friend list. If their name does not show up in your friend list anymore, then they will likely have blocked you.

How to Tell If Someone Blocked You on Discord Without Messaging Them?

If you do not want to message them to confirm if they have blocked you, then another way still exists.

PS: let’s learn more about how to perform a Discord screen share with ease.

Method 1. How to know if someone blocked you on Discord by the Emotes feature?

This way, you do not have to wait for Clyde to appear and waste your time if it’s for nothing.

In this method, we will make use of a feature on Discord known as Emotes. These emote can be used anywhere on Discord, and they’ll ease the process of finding out if you are blocked.

It may not be easy to send a message to that person. Hence, we are providing a simpler alternative. Look out for any common servers the two of you had.

Now check if you are able to react to their texts or not. In case they have not blocked you, emotes will appear. However, if you actually have been blocked, then you will experience a small vibration on your PC.

However, if you are on your phone, luckily, it will show a distinct sign. While trying to react to their message, an alert saying, “Reaction Blocked,” will appear on the screen. If this happens, it is a clear sign that the person in question has blocked you at some point.

Method 2. How to know if someone blocked you on Discord by the friend request option?

Here, we will also like to mention another way how to know if someone blocked you on Discord. This alternative also does not demand you to deliver a message first.

On the other hand, we will use the friend request option. You will have to send it to the user to confirm if they have blocked you.

Steps to Do It:

1. Launch Discord.

2. Go to Home Menu.

3. Proceed to the Friends Menu.

Discord - Friends
Discord - Add Friends

4. Enter the Discord username and tag of the person.

Discord - Send Friend Request

5. Click on “Send Friend Request.”

6. The request you sent will not reach them if they block you.

Friend Request Failed

Another way to do so is to find a mutual server. Look out for their account. Once you find it, visit it. Tap on the Add Friends option.

This is a very reliable method. However, it can be a bit tedious for many users.

How to Tell if Someone Blocked You on Discord Using Message Reactions?

The Discord app is well-designed. It has the feature of reacting to messages.

In this method, you will use that feature to know if you are blocked. Open the chat of the Person in question on Discord.

Now, try to react to one of their past messages. If you can react to the message, then it could be said that you haven’t been blocked yet.

If that’s not the case and they indeed block you, then you won’t be able to react to their message.

How to Block a Person on Discord on a Mac or PC?

In case you want to block somebody on Discord using a Mac or PC, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Discord and find the person you want to block.
  2. Right-click on their name.
  3. In the newly opened menu, find “Block” and click on it.
  4. Confirm by clicking on “Block” on the confirmation window that will pop up.
Block a Person on Discord

After this, every message sent by that person on your server will no longer appear to you.

How to Block a Person on Discord on an Android or iPhone?

If you are using the Mobile app of Discord, then the process of blocking someone is easier. The steps to these are given below.

  1. Open the Discord app.
  2. Tap on the desired person’s profile picture.
  3. That will open a Menu.
  4. There will be three dots at the menu’s top corner; click on them.
  5. Choose the “Block” option.
  6. After that, you will get an alert that you have blocked this person, thus confirming it.
Block a Person on Discord on an Android or iPhone

The person you have blocked will disappear from your friend list right after you block them. Additionally, all the messages they have sent on your server will be hidden from you.

However, if you want to see their message on your server, you can click “Show Message” on a PC or Mac. Click on “Blocked Messages” if you are using the mobile application.

After you block the person, they cannot ping you or put your username in mutual servers. If they try to do so, they will get an error message we mentioned in the previous parts of this article.

Even so, they can see if you’re online or not on the shared server and even read the messages you send. After all, stopping contact was always your choice and not theirs.

Final Thoughts

No one likes getting blocked. However, if it has happened to you, you cannot do much about it now. You can try making a new account on the Discord app and messaging them from the new account.

Even so, that won’t guarantee any reply since it was their own choice to stop interacting with you. Using the various methods mentioned here, you will know how to tell if someone blocked you on Discord.


Here are a few questions related to how to know if someone blocked you on Discord:

  1. Can you still see the messages of someone who has blocked you on Discord? No, when someone blocks you on Discord, their messages will no longer be visible in your chat history.
  2. Can you unblock yourself on Discord if someone has blocked you? No, it is not possible to unblock yourself on Discord. The decision to block or unblock someone lies solely with the user who initiated the block.
  3. Will someone know if I have blocked them on Discord? Discord does not notify users when they have been blocked. However, they may infer it if their messages or friend requests are not being received or acknowledged.
  4. Can a blocked person still see your online status on Discord? No, when you block someone on Discord, they won’t be able to see your online status, and you will appear offline to them.
  5. Is it possible to report someone who has blocked you on Discord? Discord’s reporting feature is available to address issues of harassment, abusive behavior, or violations of Discord’s guidelines. However, being blocked does not necessarily warrant a report unless other forms of misconduct are involved.


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