Many new users want to learn how to unfollow people on Facebook. If you are a new user and fall into that category, this article is just for you.
In other words, this article explains how to unfollow on Facebook. So, keep reading and learn how to accomplish this simple yet useful task successfully.
Part 1: What is “Follow” on Facebook?
Well, before we learn about the “Unfollow” option, it’s better to give you an idea about following as well. But if you are already familiar with this information, you can jump into Part 02 of this article.
There are two ways to follow another Facebook user. As per the first method, when you become someone else’s friend, you start to follow them. Also, they automatically begin to follow you.
In other words, Facebook friends automatically follow each other. So, if you add a new friend, that means you start to follow them immediately.
Well, one person can unfollow the other Facebook person. But the difference is that unfollowing doesn’t work both ways. That means one user can unfollow a user while he can still follow you. We will explain more about this as we go on.
As per the second method, you can follow someone even if they aren’t Facebook friends of yours. But to fulfill this requirement, the respective user should’ve enabled the option called “Follow” on their profile.
No matter how you follow someone, you can see their public posts on a regular basis. Also, their content will be displayed on your newsfeed as well.
Well, this is not a two-way process. That means they do not necessarily want to follow you for you to see their posts.
So, if they don’t follow you, the posts you share will not appear in their Facebook feed. They are supposed to follow you back or become a friend of yours to see the content you post.
What is “Unfollow”?
In simplest terms, the word “Unfollow” represents the process of unseeing another Facebook user’s posts. If not, it is the process of preventing someone’s posts from appearing on your newsfeed.
Just like we mentioned before, with the “Follow” option, “Unfollow” is not a two-way process. Assume that you and another person follow each other.
So, if you unfollow them, you will not see his posts on your newsfeed. However, he will continue to see your posts until he unfollows you.
Even if you unfollow a friend, you don’t unfriend them. Instead of that, you will start to unsee the posts he or she puts.
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What About the Posts and Stories Did They Post?
Well, you want to know how to unfollow people on Facebook because you don’t want to see their posts. That is the main reason.
So, if you unfollow a friend, you cannot see what they post. Nevertheless, you can still open your friends’ profiles even if you don’t follow them currently. By doing so, you can see all the posts as well as the stories.
However, what you can see will base on how they have set their privacy. In general, this requires you to check the stories in addition to posts because they don’t automatically appear.
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Unfollowed Friends and Your Posts
Well, as we mentioned before, unfollowing is not a two-way process. You don’t do anything different from their ends at all.
What you post on your profile will be visible to your friends, even if you follow them or not. As long as they are your friends and have not unfollowed you, they can still see your posts.
However, if you don’t want them to see your posts, you are supposed to take a step further. That means you should restrict them from seeing your posts.
Will They Know After Unfollowing Them?
The simplest answer is a no. No matter whether you unfollow a friend or a non-friend, they won’t get notified. Also, the same theory applies to groups or pages. So, you don’t have to worry about that matter anymore.
Basically, unfollowing is a pretty gentle solution compared to a step like unfriending and blocking. Once you unfriend someone, he will not appear on the friend list anymore, and that’s pretty harsh.
Blocking is the strictest step because they won’t be able to contact you at all. However, there are some instances when you have no other option than unfriending or block a person. So, the decision is up to you.
By the way, if you wonder why can’t I follow people on Instagram, this guide is just for you.
Part 2: How to Unfollow on Facebook?
Now that you know the consequences of unfollowing someone. Let’s go ahead and learn how to do it. In fact, knowing how to unfollow people on Facebook is a pretty handy solution to know for any user.
Probably, you are well aware of the news feed of your Facebook profile already. Basically, it’s a pretty convenient method to see friends and family members. However, the catch is that it can be very annoying for you to see some posts repeatedly.
Also, some of your friends tend to post some content that is not appealing to your interests. Also, some posts may be really offending or disturbing.
In that case, you can try the option of unfollowing them. It gives you the option of keeping them as a friend on your list without seeing their posts.
The good news is that it is very easy to learn how to unfollow on Facebook. As a result of doing that, you will be able to avoid their posts. That means you can keep them as your friends without being so harsh or rude.
So, you can learn how to unfollow people on Facebook using the steps that are mentioned below.
Well, there are a couple of ways to unfollow a friend on the Facebook platform. You can unfollow through a post, their profile page, or even from the “Settings” (in the News Feed).
How to Unfollow on Facebook using a Post?
- Log into your Facebook account either from your mobile app or the desktop version.
- Then, go to a post that is published by the person you intend to unfollow.
- Now, choose the three-dotted line, which is located at the top-right corner of the respective post.

- Choose the option called “Unfollow.”

- That’s how to unfollow on Facebook using a post.
How to Unfollow People on Facebook using Profile Page?
Mentioned below is another option on how to unfollow on Facebook.
- Go to the respective user’s profile page (the one you intend to unfollow).
- Now, move your mouse pointer over the “Following” button (which is located closer to their cover photo). If you use the app, just tap on the three-dotted icon placed below the cover photo.

- Choose the option called “Unfollow.” If it is the app, tap on the option labeled “Following” and then choose “Unfollow.”

How to Unfollow On Facebook through News Feed?
- Open the profile page and choose the “down arrow.” It is located on the top menu. If you use the app, that’s the three-lined icon.
- Go to the option called “News Feed Preferences.” If it is the app, go to “Settings” and choose the option called “News Feed Preferences.”
- Now, you should choose the option called “Unfollow People and Groups Hide Their Posts.”
- Choose the one you intend to follow and select the option called “Done.”
How to Follow Unfollowed Friends Once Again?
You mentioned below how to follow an unfollowed friend in case you change your mind.
- Launch Facebook and go to your profile.
- Perform a click on the down arrow in the menu bar. If it is the app, tap on the three-line icon.
- Go to the option called “News Feed Preferences.” If it is the app, go to Settings and choose the option called “News Feed Preferences.”
- Now, choose the option called “Reconnect with people and groups you unfollowed” to follow them again.

1. Can unfollowing someone on Facebook make them aware of it? No, unfollowing someone on Facebook is a discreet action that doesn’t notify the person or page you unfollow. They can still see your posts and interact with you unless you adjust your privacy settings further.
2. Can I still visit the profile or page of someone I’ve unfollowed? Yes, unfollowing someone only removes their posts from your News Feed. You can still visit their profile or page directly to view their content.
3. Can I re-follow someone I’ve previously unfollowed? Absolutely! Reversing the unfollow action is as simple as clicking the “Follow” or “Following” button on their profile, page, or group.
4. Does unfollowing a group remove me from the group? No, unfollowing a group on Facebook does not remove you as a member. You can still access the group and participate in discussions whenever you want.
5. Can I control the posts I see on my Facebook News Feed without unfollowing? Yes, Facebook offers various tools to control your News Feed, such as prioritizing posts from specific friends, pages, or groups, snoozing users or pages temporarily, and hiding posts that you find uninteresting or irrelevant.
Taking control of your Facebook News Feed by utilizing the unfollow feature is a great way to curate a browsing experience that matches your interests. Whether it’s unfollowing users, pages, or groups, Facebook provides the flexibility to tailor your feed and make your time on the platform more enjoyable. Experiment with these features, explore your News Feed preferences, and find the perfect balance between staying connected and avoiding content overload.