Filed Under: Comparisons

DSLR vs. Point and Shoot Camera


Written by Jack Lin

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Dslr Vs. Point And Shoot

What makes DSLR different from Point and Shoot Camera? Which one is better? If you have similar questions, then you have arrived at the right place. In this article, you will learn in detail about the difference between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot Camera. 

DSLR vs. Point and Shoot Camera

Today, DSLR has become quite affordable and pocket-friendly. The more it becomes cost-efficient more people are switching to DSLR. The developers are not only stepping up with new and advanced features in DSLR but also point and shoot cameras. The new version of point and shoot cameras includes more advanced features and mechanisms compared to their previous versions.

Features like face detection, GPS, smile detection, and much more technologically advanced features and functionality is worth checking. Both DSLR and point and shoot cameras are getting better day by day and making it hard for the buyers to select the right one. 

Similarly, with DSLR, manufacturers are adding more and more features and functionalities to it and dividing its market into multiple parts to attract potential customers. You can find DSLR from the entry point level to the professional level. Besides its advanced technologies and amazing features, it is also cost-effective. 

Nonetheless, many people are in a dilemma as to what could be the better choice for them? They are confused and unable to make a decision. This only happens when a buyer does not have the proper knowledge about the product. If you are that buyer, then worry not. We got you covered! Read on to know the difference between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot cameras. 

In this article, we have compared these two cameras and covered their advantages and disadvantages. This will help you to evaluate both on different parameters and select one that will meet your need. Without further ado, let’s straightly jump into the difference between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot cameras.

DSLR vs. Point and Shoot Camera Overall Features

The features of Digital Single-Lens Reflex or DSLR differ from point and shoot camera. The size of the lens, performance speeds, image quality, and price are different in both cameras. If we consider these parameters, then the image quality of DSLR is better than point and shoot camera. It enables you to put your creative mind, plus enhances the quality and speed of the image.

However, DSLR requires a skilled hand and costs more than point-and-shoot cameras.

On the contrary, the functions and mechanism of point-and-shoot cameras are easy to use, and the cost is also lower than DSLR. They are light in weight which is perfect for everyday use.

However, the image quality of the point and shoot camera is comparatively lower than DSLR.

The following features will allow you to understand the difference between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot cameras.

Overall Features of DSLR

  • Allows you full manual control over its features and functions
  • More features, power, and speed
  • Require professional skills
  • High cost
  • The best option for professional photographers and hobbyist

Overall Features of the Point and Shoot Camera

  • Advance automatic settings
  • Easy to use
  • Comparatively less expensive
  • The best option for novices

Advantages of Point and Shoot Cameras

Advantages of point and shoot cameras


The best thing about point-and-shoot cameras are their size. You can conveniently keep them in your pockets or small bag. If you want small and light cameras that can capture your good memories and keep them safe, then go for point and shoot cameras.  


Many people prefer a point-and-shoot camera due to its lightweight. It does not require an extra carry bag, tripod, or other separate bags to carry them. However, the point-and-shoot cameras with ‘SLR‘ like features require extra carry bags due to their large and bulky size.

Fixed Lens:

Every point and shoot camera has fixed lenses. If you buy these cameras, you don’t have to worry about changing the lens now and then.

Large Depth of Field:

Not massive in size but focus, the foreground of these cameras are attached to the background, which makes the scene clear and sharp. It enhances the focus of the lens resulting in quality images. However, this feature can serve as both advantage and disadvantage. 


These cameras are cost-effective and need less maintenance compared to DSLR.

Disadvantage of Point and Shoot Cameras

Disadvantage of point and shoot cameras


The small camera and lens size of point and shoot cameras cannot be compared to DSLR sharp and Megapixel lenses. Even Megapixel lenses in shoot and point cameras do not provide you the image quality that DSLR camera sensory offers. 

Massive Depth of Field:

Although its massive depth of field enhances the lens focus, you cannot overlook the blurred background in the images. It indeed focuses on the forefront, but the blurred background ruins the picture quality. On the other hand, DSLR Megapixel cameras are top-notch. DSLR makes a shallow depth of field and isolates the forefront from the background.


These cameras have no manual control options. You cannot upgrade them according to your preferences. The external accessories, flashes, and lenses are limited to point-and-shoot cameras.


Although the new versions of these cameras include more features than their predecessors, it still does not give you an open hand with the manual control. DSLR is quite upgraded in this field but shoot, and control cameras have limited accessories. You cannot adjust shutter and aperture speed and distance mark in these cameras and make it tough for a photographer to put his/her creativity in it.

This is the biggest difference between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot cameras and the reason professional photographers prefer DSLR over point and shoot cameras.    

Night Vision Shoot:

Point and shoot cameras lack in night photography. Due to less pixel power and other features, the image quality is poor.

Unable to Capture Wide-angle Shots:

The lenses of point and shoot cameras start from 30-35mm. It means you cannot take wide-angle shots. 


Unlike DSLR, the speed of the lens is average. Therefore, for action or sports photography, point-and-shoot cameras are not used.

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of point and shoot cameras, let’s head towards the advantages of DSLR.

Beside, here are the best Peephole Cameras for home security for your reference.

Advantages of DSLR

Advantages of DSLR

Good Image Quality:

The camera sensor in DSLR is bigger than the point and shoot camera. The sensor area of point and shoot camera is only around 2-5% of an entire DSLR frame. A bigger sensor allows you to take images with less noise and enhances the image quality. 

Better Light Detection:

This means that lens of these cameras is sharp and focuses better even in dim light. You can capture a good quality image even at night.


The best part about DSLR is that it is quick in acquiring focus and allows you to take multiple shots at a time. In fact, an advanced professional DSLR is capable of taking 10 frames each second. This is why all the sports and actions photography is done with these cameras.

Reflex Mirrors:

Reflex mirrors allow you to capture images the way you see them with your own eyes. The lens in DSLR is built on the reflex mirror, which gives you clarity and sharpness. 

Flexible Control:

DSLR incorporates many accessories and gives you control over them. You can adjust them as per your requirement and capture images from different angles. It gives you more buttons and adjusting space than point and shoot camera. At first, it might look confusing and problematic, but once you learn its features and functionality, it gives you the freedom to use your creative mind and capture amazing images.

Better Investment:

People generally consider DSLR a better investment option than a point-and-shoot camera. The chances of reselling DSLR at a reasonable price are much higher than reselling the latest version of point-and-shoot cameras. The stakes on DSLR are higher because of its features and advanced lens.

Use of Different Lenses:

It is indeed one of the biggest differences between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot cameras. DSLR gives you the freedom to use different lenses while capturing images. From telephoto to super-wide angle lenses, you can use multiple lenses on a DSLR.

Weather Sealing:

DSLR is designed to sustain any weather condition. You can easily clean the dust and moisture from the surface area of the DSLR. 

Disadvantages of DSLR

Disadvantages of DSLR


Undoubtedly, the features and functions of DSLR are quite complex. For the novice, handling DSLR could be challenging because it has too many buttons and a complex mechanism to use them.

High Price:

The price difference between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot camera is quite large. DSLR is costlier than point-and-shoot cameras. The price is not limited to these cameras. Its lens cost much more than the DSLR itself, plus other accessories. This is the main reason normal people restrain themselves from purchasing DSLR. It suits best for the professional photographer or for the person who wants to make a career in this field.

Maintenance Cost:

Even if you buy a DSLR, you need to spend your money from time to time on its maintenance. Compared to point-and-shoot cameras, the maintenance cost of DSLR is higher. Although manufacturers offer a warranty period, there is no guarantee that DSLR will work perfectly after the warranty period is over.

Size and Weight:

These cameras are big and heavy. It takes a while until you get used to its size and weight. Your neck and hand might pain in the beginning.    

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

FAQ 1: Are DSLR cameras only for professional photographers?

No, DSLR cameras are not exclusively for professional photographers. While they do offer advanced features and manual controls that professionals often utilize, DSLR cameras are also suitable for enthusiasts and hobbyists who want to enhance their photography skills.

FAQ 2: Can a Point and Shoot camera produce high-quality images?

Yes, Point and Shoot cameras are capable of producing high-quality images, especially with advancements in technology. While they may not match the image quality of DSLR cameras, they can still capture impressive shots in various situations.

FAQ 3: Are DSLR cameras too complicated for beginners?

While DSLR cameras may have a steeper learning curve compared to Point and Shoot cameras, they are not overly complicated for beginners. With some practice and understanding of the basic concepts, beginners can gradually master the manual controls and unleash the full potential of DSLR cameras.

FAQ 4: Do Point and Shoot cameras have any limitations?

Point and Shoot cameras do have certain limitations compared to DSLR cameras. They may struggle in low-light conditions, have slower autofocus, and limited zoom capabilities. However, these limitations are often outweighed by their convenience, portability, and ease of use.

FAQ 5: Can a Point and Shoot camera compete with DSLRs in terms of versatility?

While Point and Shoot cameras offer versatile shooting modes and creative options, DSLR cameras still have the upper hand when it comes to versatility. The ability to switch lenses and customize settings provides photographers with greater flexibility in capturing different types of subjects and scenes.

FAQ 6: Which camera should I choose for travel photography?

For travel photography, both DSLR and Point and Shoot cameras have their advantages. DSLR cameras offer superior image quality and interchangeable lenses, allowing you to capture breathtaking landscapes and detailed portraits. On the other hand, Point and Shoot cameras are more lightweight and compact, making them convenient for capturing moments on the go.


After reading this article, your doubt regarding the difference between DSLR vs. Point and Shoot camera must be sorted out. This will help you to understand your requirement and gives you the clarity to choose one camera between the two.


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