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How to Remove Hyperlinks & Break Links in Excel


Written by Jack Lin

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Remove Hyperlinks & Break Links In Excel

Certainly, it is challenging to get rid of hyperlinks in Excel. If you deal with Excel spreadsheets, you know what we are talking about break links in excel.

It is tedious to remove hyperlinks manually if you have a spreadsheet with countless hyperlinks.

However, one can perform this task easier if the file we are dealing with is small and contains only a few hyperlinks.

It becomes a problem when the file is large with many hyperlinks. If you are stuck in this situation, it is obvious for you to look for different ways to remove hyperlinks in Excel.

To rescue you, we have devised different methods to break links in Excel. The best part about these methods is that they work for various Excel versions.

With these methods, you can remove links having a particular text, all hyperlinks present in the sheet, a single hyperlink, and even break links in Excel.

So, let’s get started with our methods for removing links from Excel spreadsheets.

PS: Here, you will learn more about how to unprotect Excel sheets without passwords.

Through this method, users can eliminate all hyperlinks in Excel. To break links in Excel, they need to choose the cells from where they need to eradicate all hyperlinks.

So, let’s follow the steps below to remove hyperlinks in Excel.

We have taken an example where you need to remove links to some websites in an Excel sheet. To accomplish this task, go through the steps listed below:

Step 1: Search for Cells

First, users need to search for cells from where they like hyperlinks. For this, open the spreadsheet and press the tabs ‘Ctrl+F’ on the keyword. Once done, a dialog box saying ‘Find and Replace’ will appear on the screen.

Step 2: Tap on ‘Options’

From there, they need to look for the tab ‘Options,’ which will be there at the bottom box.

Find and Replace Options

Step 3: Opt for ‘Choose Format from Cell’

Next, tap on the arrow down that is present along with the button ‘Format.’ From there, select the tab ‘Choose Format from Cell.’

Choose Format from Cell

Step 4: Choose the Cell

Now, choose the cell that comprises a hyperlink. Once chosen, a preview will be shown there. This option will be available next to the button ‘Format.’

Preiview on Find and Replace

Step 5: Select the Tab ‘Find All’

Afterward, select the tab ‘Find All’ that will display all the hyperlinks on the Excel sheet.

Remove Hyperlink Links in Excel

Now, it’s time to select the hyperlink that you want to get rid of. Choose the hyperlinks with the help of Shift or Ctrl tabs.

To remove these hyperlinks, you need to right-tap on the highlighted cells.

After that, choose the option ‘Remove Hyperlinks.’ So, you have successfully removed links in Excel.

Here, users will learn how to remove hyperlinks in Excel connected to a specific text.

For example, a spreadsheet of products has some products connected through a particular text.

If you want to remove hyperlinks with the line ‘Product 3’, follow the below steps.

To eradicate hyperlinks, you can go through the following steps.

Step 1: Click the Tabs

Initially, you have to tap on the tabs ‘Ctrl+F’. Once done, a dialog box will appear called ‘Find and Replace.’

Find and Replace

Step 2: Choose ‘Choose Format from Cell’

In the box ‘Find what,’ you need to put in the ‘Product 3’ text. After that, tap on the arrow down of the tab ‘Format’ and select the ‘Choose Format from Cell’ tab.

Choose Format from Cell

Step 3: Take a Preview

Choose the cell that shows off ‘Product 3,’ and you will come across the preview option next to the tab ‘Format.’ Next, tap on the tab ‘Find All.’

Take a Preview

Next, you will see the list of hyperlinks interlinked with Product 3. Now, choose the result by seizing the button ‘Shift’ or ‘Ctrl.’

To eradicate these links, right-tap on the highlighted cells and choose ‘Remove Hyperlinks.’

It is another effective method on how to remove hyperlinks in Excel. This method to eradicate hyperlinks from an Excel sheet comes in handy when you like to remove all of the links effortlessly.

This method is different from the first one as the former can be used to eliminate a link from an Excel sheet, while the latter method helps eradicate all hyperlinks at once.

Plus, you do not have to select links one by one here. So, read the instructions right below to perform this tedious task.

To remove all hyperlinks in Excel, users can follow the below steps. All of these steps are easy and simple to follow. So, let’s just dive right into them now.

Step 1: Press ‘Ctrl+A’

To get rid of all hyperlinks from an Excel spreadsheet, you need to press tabs ‘Ctrl+A’. If not, press the triangle on the sheet top to choose the whole spreadsheet.

Press 'Ctrl+A'

Once selected, you need to the right tap on the Excel sheet anywhere. Next, choose the option ‘Remove Hyperlinks.’ You have successfully removed all the hyperlinks available on the Excel spreadsheet.

Select 'Remove Hyperlinks'

If you want to know how to break links in Excel, you have come to the right page when users break links in Excel to the main workbook of any external reference.

All rules that employ the digit in the main workbook convert to the present values. As this performed action could not be undone, users must create a backup.

For instance, if users break the hyperlink to the outer reference = SUM, then this formula will be replaced by the intended value, which could be anything.

A parameter can use the data from the other workbook if you employ an external range for data. If that’s the case, you may like to get rid of these kinds of hyperlinks.

Now, let’s learn about breaking links in Excel. The steps for the same are listed below. Have a look at them!

People who like to break links in Excel can do so by following the instructions listed below. It is effortless to perform this task. So, let’s get started with the steps!

In the first place, you should click on the tab ‘Edit Links.’ You will find this button under the tab ‘Data’ in the group ‘Connections.’ However, you will not find the option ‘Edit Links’ if the file has no linked information.

How to break links in Excel

In the list ‘Source,’ you must select the hyperlink you desire to break. To select multiple linked files, keep holding the tab ‘Ctrl’ while clicking the linked file. On the other hand, press the tabs ‘Ctrl+A’ to choose all the hyperlinks.

Lastly, you have to tap on the option ‘Break Link’. As a result, all of the links will break away. Now, you have successfully removed all links hassle-free.


Q1: Can I remove hyperlinks from specific cells instead of the entire worksheet? Yes, you can remove hyperlinks from specific cells by selecting only those cells before applying the chosen method.

Q2: Will removing hyperlinks delete the cell’s contents? No, removing hyperlinks will only remove the hyperlink functionality while retaining the cell’s content.

Q3: Can I undo the removal of hyperlinks? No, once you remove hyperlinks, it is not possible to undo the action. It is recommended to save a backup of your file before removing hyperlinks.

Q4: Is it possible to remove hyperlinks in Excel Online? Yes, most of the methods mentioned in this article can be applied in Excel Online. However, some advanced methods like VBA or Python may have limitations.

Q5: How can I identify cells with hyperlinks in Excel? Cells with hyperlinks usually have an underlined text and a different color. Additionally, you can use Excel’s “Go To Special” feature to select all cells with hyperlinks.


Now, you know how to remove hyperlinks in Excel and break links in Excel. These methods are quite effective for removing the links in Excel sheets.

They come in handy when many hyperlinks are available in the Excel spreadsheet. Through these ways, people can even eradicate a few links out of so many links available.

Also, here are the top Excel password breakers for your reference.


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