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The Best Black Cards in Magic: The Gathering – Ultimate Guide

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Written by Timothy

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Best Black Cards Mtg

As a seasoned Magic: The Gathering player and deck builder with over 20 years of experience, I’ve witnessed the evolution of black cards throughout the game’s history. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share my expertise on the most powerful and versatile black cards across various formats, from Commander to Modern. Whether you’re a veteran planeswalker or just starting your journey into the world of MTG, this article will help you harness the dark power of black mana to dominate your opponents.

Introduction to Black Cards in MTG

Black is the color of ambition, power at any cost, and the manipulation of life and death. In Magic: The Gathering, black cards embody these themes through mechanics like life drain, creature sacrifice, discard, and graveyard manipulation.

Key strengths of black include:

  • Efficient creature removal
  • Powerful card draw, often at the cost of life
  • Graveyard recursion and reanimation
  • Hand disruption through discard effects
  • Life drain and direct damage

However, black also has some notable weaknesses:

  • Difficulty dealing with enchantments and artifacts
  • Reliance on life as a resource, which can be risky
  • Limited ability to deal with large creatures efficiently

Understanding these strengths and weaknesses is crucial for effectively utilizing black cards in your decks. While black is powerful on its own, it often pairs well with other colors. For example, a black-red deck can incorporate some of the best Goblin cards in MTG to create a devastating aggressive strategy.

Top Black Cards for Commander

Commander is a popular multiplayer format where black truly shines. Here are some of the most impactful black cards for your Commander decks:

1. Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

This legendary creature is a powerhouse in any black deck. For just four mana, Yawgmoth offers:

  • Card draw through sacrificing other creatures
  • Proliferate to support counter strategies
  • Removal by giving -1/-1 counters

Yawgmoth’s versatility makes him an excellent commander or a key piece in the 99.

2. Demonic Tutor

Demonic Tutor

One of the most powerful tutor effects ever printed, Demonic Tutor allows you to search your library for any card and put it into your hand. This level of consistency is invaluable in Commander, where you’re limited to one copy of each card (except basic lands).

3. Exsanguinate


A game-ending spell in many black decks, Exsanguinate can drain massive amounts of life from all opponents simultaneously. In long Commander games where life totals are high, this spell can often secure victory in one fell swoop.

4. Gray Merchant of Asphodel

Gray Merchant Of Asphodel

Affectionately known as “Gary” by many players, this common creature has an outsized impact in Commander. Its enter-the-battlefield ability drains each opponent based on your devotion to black, often resulting in huge life swings that can turn the tide of a game.

5. Reanimate


Reanimation is a powerful strategy in Commander, and Reanimate is one of the most efficient ways to cheat big creatures into play. For just one mana and some life, you can put any creature from any graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.

6. Toxic Deluge

Toxic Deluge

Board wipes are essential in Commander, and Toxic Deluge is one of the best. Its flexibility allows you to pay exactly as much life as needed to clear the board, and it can deal with indestructible creatures that other board wipes can’t touch.

7. Phyrexian Arena

Phyrexian Arena

Card advantage is king in Commander, and Phyrexian Arena provides a steady stream of extra cards each turn. While the life loss can add up, the additional resources often more than make up for it.

While these black cards are powerful, don’t forget that Commander allows for multi-color decks. If you’re looking for a change of pace, consider exploring a Mono Green Commander deck for a different playstyle.

Best Black Cards for Modern

Modern is a fast-paced format where efficiency is key. These black cards have proven their worth time and time again:

1. Thoughtseize


Perhaps the most efficient hand disruption spell ever printed, Thoughtseize allows you to see your opponent’s hand and make them discard their best card for just one mana. This can completely derail an opponent’s game plan before it even begins.

2. Fatal Push

Fatal Push

An incredibly efficient removal spell, Fatal Push can deal with most early-game threats for just one mana. With revolt enabled, it can even take out larger creatures, making it a staple in many Modern black decks.

3. Inquisition of Kozilek

Inquisition Of Kozilek

Similar to Thoughtseize but without the life loss, Inquisition of Kozilek is another powerful discard spell that can strip key cards from your opponent’s hand.

4. Dark Confidant

Dark Confidant

Nicknamed “Bob” after its designer, Bob Maher, Dark Confidant provides incredible card advantage at the cost of life. In a format as fast as Modern, the extra cards often outweigh the life loss.

5. Liliana of the Veil

Liliana Of The Veil

This powerful planeswalker can single-handedly control the game through repeated discard effects and creature removal. Her ultimate ability can also completely devastate an opponent’s board state. Liliana is just one example of the best planeswalkers in MTG, many of which see play in Modern.

6. Damnation


A black counterpart to the iconic white board wipe Wrath of God, Damnation destroys all creatures without the possibility of regeneration. It’s a crucial tool for control decks in Modern.

Iconic Black Cards in MTG History

Throughout Magic’s history, certain black cards have left an indelible mark on the game:

1. Black Lotus

Black Lotus

Part of the famed “Power Nine,” Black Lotus is arguably the most powerful card ever printed. While it’s banned in most formats, its ability to add three mana of any color for zero mana cost has made it a legend in the game’s history.

2. Necropotence


This enchantment allows you to exchange life for cards, an incredibly powerful effect that has shaped entire formats. It’s a prime example of black’s philosophy of power at any cost.

3. Yawgmoth’s Will

Yawgmoth's Will

Allowing you to play cards from your graveyard, Yawgmoth’s Will can lead to explosive turns where you essentially get to replay your entire graveyard. It’s banned in Legacy and restricted in Vintage for good reason.

4. Vampiric Tutor

Vampiric Tutor

An instant-speed tutor that puts any card on top of your library, Vampiric Tutor provides incredible consistency and the ability to find answers at crucial moments.

5. Dark Ritual

Dark Ritual

One of the original fast mana sources, Dark Ritual allows you to jump ahead on mana in the early game, enabling powerful plays much sooner than your opponent might expect.

Many of these iconic cards were introduced or reprinted in core sets. The MTG Core Set 2021 brought back several powerful black cards, continuing the tradition of making impactful reprints available to players.

Budget-Friendly Black Cards

You don’t need to break the bank to harness the power of black. Here are some effective options for budget-conscious players:

1. Zulaport Cutthroat

Zulaport Cutthroat

A key piece in many “aristocrats” style decks, Zulaport Cutthroat drains your opponents each time one of your creatures dies. It’s an affordable way to generate value from sacrifice effects.

2. Syr Konrad, the Grim

Syr Konrad, The Grim

This legendary creature punishes your opponents whenever creatures enter or leave graveyards. It’s a powerful engine in graveyard-focused decks and can even serve as your commander.

3. Go for the Throat

Go For The Throat

An efficient removal spell that can take out most non-artifact creatures. It’s a great budget alternative to more expensive removal options.

4. Sign in Blood

Sign In Blood

Card draw is crucial in any deck, and Sign in Blood provides two cards for two mana at the cost of two life. It’s a solid budget option for card advantage.

5. Gray Merchant of Asphodel

Gray Merchant Of Asphodel

Even as a common, “Gary” can have a huge impact on the game. It’s an excellent budget option for mono-black or heavily black decks.

Black Card Strategies and Synergies

Black cards support various powerful strategies:

1. Aristocrats

This strategy revolves around sacrificing your own creatures for value. Cards like Blood Artist and Zulaport Cutthroat punish your opponents each time one of your creatures dies, while cards like Grave Pact force your opponents to sacrifice their creatures as well.

2. Reanimator

Reanimator decks aim to put powerful creatures in the graveyard early and then reanimate them for a fraction of their normal cost. Cards like Entomb and Reanimate are key pieces of this strategy. Reanimator decks often target powerful creatures like the best Angels in MTG for maximum impact.

3. Discard/Hand Control

Black excels at disrupting opponents’ hands. Thoughtseize, Hymn to Tourach, and Liliana of the Veil can strip away key cards and leave opponents with few options.

4. Life Drain

Many black cards drain life from opponents while gaining you life. This strategy can create huge life total swings and close out games quickly. Cards like Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Exsanguinate are stars in this type of deck.

Tips for Building Decks with Black Cards

When incorporating black cards into your decks, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Balance life loss: Many powerful black cards come at the cost of life. Make sure your deck has ways to gain life or close out the game before the life loss becomes a liability.
  2. Utilize graveyard synergies: Black has many ways to interact with the graveyard. Cards like Gravecrawler and Reassembling Skeleton can provide repeated value.
  3. Include varied removal options: While black has excellent creature removal, it struggles with other permanent types. Consider including colorless options or splashing another color to address these weaknesses.
  4. Don’t forget card advantage: Black has some of the best card draw in the game. Cards like Phyrexian Arena and Night’s Whisper can keep your hand full and options open.
  5. Use tutors wisely: Tutors can provide consistency, but overusing them can make games repetitive. Strike a balance between consistency and variety.
  6. Consider your mana base: While not specific to black, having a solid mana base is crucial. Check out our guide on the best land cards in MTG to ensure your deck runs smoothly.
  7. Incorporate equipment: Black creatures often benefit from the best equipment in MTG. Cards like Sword of Feast and Famine or Skullclamp can provide additional value to your creatures.


Black cards in Magic: The Gathering offer a unique and powerful playstyle that rewards strategic thinking and calculated risk-taking. From efficient removal and powerful card draw to game-ending drain effects and graveyard manipulation, black provides tools for nearly every situation.

Whether you’re assembling a Commander deck, brewing for Modern, or just looking to add some dark power to your casual decks, the cards and strategies discussed in this guide will serve you well. Remember, in black, power comes at a price – but for skilled planeswalkers, that price is always worth paying.

FAQs About Black Cards in MTG

  1. What are the main strengths of black cards in MTG? Black excels at creature removal, card draw, graveyard manipulation, and life drain effects. It also has powerful discard spells for hand disruption.
  2. Are black cards good for beginners? While black’s life-for-advantage mechanics can be tricky to balance, many black cards are straightforward and powerful. Cards like Murder and Sign in Blood are great for beginners.
  3. What are some weaknesses of black in MTG? Black struggles to deal with enchantments and artifacts. It also has limited options for dealing with large creatures efficiently.
  4. What’s the best way to counter black strategies? Graveyard hate cards can disrupt many black strategies. Life gain can offset black’s drain effects, and hexproof creatures can protect against black’s targeted removal.
  5. Are mono-black decks viable in competitive play? Yes, mono-black decks have seen success in various formats. In Modern, mono-black devotion has been a competitive archetype, and in Commander, many powerful mono-black strategies exist.

Remember, the key to mastering black in MTG is understanding the balance between power and cost. With practice and experience, you’ll learn to harness the dark power of black mana to dominate your opponents. Happy spellslinging!


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